
The Erik Racker Author Newsletter.

My author newsletter delivers updates, first looks, and new release information straight to your inbox. I also include exclusive (newsletter member only) raffles to coincide with each new release. My readers mean the world to me and allow me to do what I love for a living, if you become one of my newsletter members, you’ll never see any spam from me and your email address will never be given to a third party. You’ll only get the good stuff. Take a look for yourself by joining below.

To subscriber to the Erik Racker Newsletter, just punch in your email and click the button.

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*The newsletter goes out when I have something of value to share. Usually, once a month… You may see two or three emails in a single month if there is a new release in the works, you may not see an email for a couple of months if I’m knee deep in a project. Just a little transparency so you know what to expect. That being said, you can still unsubscribe at any time.